Legal Notices


Please note that all rights are reserved by Computop Ltd. including all materials. The name “Computop” as well as the Computop logo and the product name Computop Paygate are registered trademarks and may only be used for marketing purposes for e-payment solutions offered by us. Any other use must be given Computop’s prior approval and acceptance.



The following fonts are used on Computop's web pages and in general in Computop's corporate design and are freely usable in accordance with the licences under which they are licensed to the extent used by us. For information on intellectual property rights (copyright) and any industrial property rights (patent law, trademark law, design or registered design law) we refer to the relevant licence text.

Ubuntu: This font is licensed under the following license: UBUNTU FONT LICENCE Version 1.0; the license text can be viewed under the following link:

Noto Sans: This font is licensed under the following license: Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004;

NotoSansJP + NotoSans-unhinted: This font is licensed under the following license: SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007;



The following icons are used on Computop's web pages and in general in Computop's corporate design. They are freely usable in accordance with the licences under which they are licensed to the extent used by us. For information on intellectual property rights (copyright) and any industrial property rights (patent law, trademark law, design or registered design law) we refer to the relevant licence text.

Font Awesome Icons: Provided by Fonticons, Inc. under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC By 4.0), download at