Accept credit and debit card payments - online and at POS

Computop Paygate supports over 350 payment methods including credit and debit cards. Over two billion people worldwide use credit cards in global and cashless payment transactions. This enables merchants to reach their customers even across national borders. The credit card's little brother is the debit card. It is used to debit the checking account immediately at the time of purchase or a short time later. Because debit cards can often only be used locally or nationally, merchants should definitely offer a payment option with these cards in the respective country. Then they can also reach customers without an international credit card. The combination of credit and debit cards enables almost complete geographical coverage both in e-commerce and m-commerce and at the point of sale (POS).

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Computop Pseudo Card Number (PKN): More security and convenience for your customers

If online merchants want to store credit card data, they must have PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) certification, which must be renewed annually. Computop customers save themselves this expensive and time-consuming process because Paygate is already certified and therefore authorized to store credit card data. Computop provides the merchant with a pseudo card number (PKN) as a token. This is generated by Paygate, but offers merchants the same options and functions as the real card number and may be stored by them.

With Computop, choose the credit card acquirer that offers you the best deal

In the case of credit card payments, an acquirer handles the billing on the customer's credit card, regulates the flow of funds with the banks and keeps a discount from the merchant as a fee. Computop offers a large selection of over 50 national and international acquirers. Especially when entering new markets, it is important to have a flexible, reliable acquirer who knows the local conditions. This increases the conversion rate. As an international payment service provider, Computop offers the optimal partner for merchants in each case, with whom they can also avoid the foreign fee for local payments.

Further information about credit & debit card

How much annual sales do you expect?*
What average shopping cart value do you expect?*