Press Review

Press Review

press review

(...) Ralf Gladis, CEO at Computop, a payment processor, says: “We think that tokenisation as provided by card schemes like Visa and Mastercard will come to the fore in 2021. “It allows numbers to be issued and stored safely on eCommerce platforms as a replacement for the actual credit card…

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press review

By Ralf Gladis, CEO, Computop - Connections become data and data becomes services. So many objects in our lives are now networked and they benignly collect data about our behaviour which, so we are assured, enables us to be provided with offers for products and services we need or desire...


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press review

By Ralf Gladis, CEO, Computop - 2020 has brought a surfeit of challenges for the payments industry, so, to a certain extent, caution must be applied when looking at the trends for 2021. Some, however, are already clear, and a change in consumer behaviour is one of them.

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press review

by Jed Danbury, Computop - Digital wallets have gotten a great deal of press since the start of the pandemic. But digital wallets like PayPal and Apple Pay can provide a threat to credit card organizations...

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press review

Travaillant de concert depuis plusieurs années, Computop et Limonetik sont heureuses d’annoncer la signature d’un accord de partenariat permettant de proposer à leurs larges portefeuilles de clients Européens des services de paiement pour marketplaces....

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press review

By Jed Danbury - In the current environment, safety and hygiene are clearly top-of-mind for consumers, including when it comes to shopping. (...) Along those lines, the actual payment process in retail needs to reflect those same safety and hygienic practices. How can retailers achieve this? There…

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press review

Computop, a leading global payment processor, has set out its commitment to reducing CO2 emissions and providing a climate-conscious service for its customers by becoming part of Leaders for Climate Action, the global group of entrepreneurs and start-up companies that are contributing to the fight…

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press review

Computop, a leading global payment processor, and Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI), which specialises in cashless payments in Central and Eastern Europe, have announced that their cooperation is to be enhanced further to propagate the expansion of omnichannel payments.

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press review

(...) With the well-known Danish window manufacturer, VELUX, among the first customers to take advantage of the new arrangement, Computop and RBI are enabling merchants and service providers to expand their businesses into Eastern European countries...

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press review

By Ralf Gladis, CEO, Computop -

Shopping for many is therapy…until they reach the queue for the checkout. It’s easier online to pay for goods, but physical retail, with all the sensory benefits it offers the shopper, would be so much easier if payment was quick and easy. In an industry that has…

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