Triple Anniversary: Onlineprinters Expands with Local Payment Capabilities from Computop


Onlineprinters celebrates triple anniversary with Computop

One of Europe’s leading web to print providers increase transaction volumes and reduce instances of abandoned baskets.

London, United Kingdom – 18 November 2014 - Computop, a leading payment service provider (PSP), celebrates a triple anniversary with Onlineprinters, one of the largest online print shops in Europe. “We were founded as a family run business and are looking for strong partnerships. Today we celebrate 30 years of experience in printing, 10 years of success in E-Commerce and a seven year cooperation with Computop”, announces Walter Meyer, CEO of Onlineprinters.


The first Onlineprinters webshop was launched in 2004, now customers from more than 30 countries across Europe can order printings online. The Computop Paygate platform underpins this expansion through a seamless integration with the Onlineprinters’ merchandise management system from D&G software and existing ecommerce platform, Websale, using a prebuilt payment module.

“Initially, we only offered credit cards and PayPal, however, we soon discovered that more and more customers were demanding their locally preferred payment methods”, commented CEO Meyer. “That’s when we started to work with Computop, because of their expertise and capability in local payments.  We have also integrated iDEAL for the Netherlands and giropay for Germany.  By adding these local payment methods, we are offering trusted and preferred payments methods that our customers want. In doing this we expect to significantly reduce basket abandonment rates and increase the volume of successful transactions. We’re proud to say that we produced over 2 billion printings for 340,000 customers last year.”

“Expanding into new markets needs more than just transaction capabilities”, commented Ralf Gladis, CEO of Computop. “It requires a knowledge and understanding of the local language, culture and behaviours, the local currency and local payment methods. Onlineprinters acknowledged this challenge and has adopted its approach accordingly. As a result, it is already benefiting from the change.”

The latest version of Computop’s multichannel global payment platform offers new features and functionality that make it even easier and faster for merchants to power their eCommerce businesses, and is fully SEPA enabled in preparation for the forthcoming pan-European payment harmonisation initiative.

This brings a single payment gateway for secure transactions between Onlineprinters and its customers, as well as providing access to the most relevant payment solution for customers in their local market.     


About Onlineprinters
Onlineprinters GmbH is one of the largest online print shops in Europe. The German enterprise presently has a staff of 550 and serves 30 countries throughout Europe via multilingual online shops. 30 years of experience and in-house production according to ProcessStandard Offset (PSO) guarantee top quality of the products produced in offset and digital printing technology. The product range encompasses business cards, stationery, flyers, postcards, posters, catalogues, brochures, calendars and large format advertising systems. Business customers benefit from carbon neutral production, small print runs, same day printing and overnight delivery as well as from the convenience of ordering their print supplies in the online shop and uploading the print files themselves. Detailed information on products and company is available in the online shop and mobile shop of

Über Computop

Als Payment Service Provider (PSP) der ersten Stunde bietet Computop seinen Kunden weltweit lokale und innovative Omnichannel-Lösungen für Zahlungsverkehr und Betrugsprävention. Die eigenentwickelte Zahlungsplattform Computop Paygate ermöglicht nahtlos integrierte Bezahlprozesse im E-Commerce und am POS. Händler, Dienstleister und Industrieunternehmen können für alle Länder der Welt frei wählen, welche der 350 lokalen und internationalen Zahlarten zum Einsatz kommen sollen. Technologien wie biometrische Authentifizierung und selbstlernende Algorithmen verbessern Sicherheit und Komfort für Händler wie für Endverbraucher.

Der Global Player Computop, mit Hauptsitz in Deutschland und Standorten in England und USA, betreut seit über 25 Jahren zahlreiche internationale Unternehmen aus den Branchen Dienstleistungen, Handel, Mobility, Gaming und Reise. Dazu gehören weltweit agierende Marken wie C&A, Fossil, die gesamte Otto Group, Sixt, Swarovski oder Wargaming. Darüber hinaus stellt Computop, seit 2021 nach ISO 27001 zertifiziert, sein Zahlungssystem Banken und Finanzdienstleistern als White Label-Lösung zur Verfügung. insgesamt wickelt das zertifiziert klimaneutrale Unternehmen jährlich Transaktionen im Wert von 33 Milliarden US-Dollar in 127 Währungen ab. Mit seinen individuellen und sicheren Lösungen gestaltet Computop die Zukunft des internationalen Zahlungsverkehrs maßgeblich mit.



Henning Brandt
Chief Communication Officer

0951-98 009 552

Unterstützt durch:
Jacqueline Althaller
Althaller Communication