Computop Partners with The Camden Clean Air Initiative as Earthfest Kicks Off

Computop, the international payment service provider (PSP), has announced that it is partnering with The Camden Clean Air Initiative this year.

The initiative is a not-for-profit action group that aims to reduce air pollution across the London Borough of Camden and will be expanding to become The London Clean Air Initiative later in 2024.
The partnership will kick off on April 18th to coincide with Earthfest, the flagship sustainability event organised by The Camden Clean Air Initiative. The four-day event which is designed to ignite ideas and inspire change takes place in Kings Cross and combines presentations, interactive demonstrations and workshops with live music and entertainment.
Computop, which has an employee climate group ‘Green Payment People’, is a regular contributor to ‘Time for Climate Action’ one of the many events that mark Earth Day every year and connect a global audience in support of environmental protection. As part of Leaders for Climate Action, the company also takes stock of its own emissions and has been involved in several projects designed to help emerging economies find sustainable solutions that reduce emissions.
In addition, the company offers a number of environmentally conscious solutions, including Pay to Drive, which makes it easy for drivers of electric vehicles to pay for charging, and delivers payment processing for contactless mobility services such as trains, trams and buses. These services and solutions provide a natural synergy with the aims of the Camden Clean Air Initiative.   
“We are delighted to be able to work together with The Camden Clean Air Initiative, a group who share our values of working towards a better environment in our urban landscapes,” said Philip Plambeck, Managing Director UK at Computop. “Our experience in managing payments for mobility and transport providers means Computop is ideally placed to support businesses in commercialising environmentally friendly business models”

Quote from Camden Clean air Initiative...
"We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Computop. Together, we are forging a path towards cleaner air and a sustainable future for Camden and beyond. By combining our work in environmental advocacy with Computop's commitment to cutting-edge technology, we aim to drive meaningful change and inspire others to join us in the fight for cleaner air and a healthier planet. We could not do the work we do without the support of corporates like Computop and we are excited to have them with us as we grow."Georgina McGivern, Co-Founder of The Camden Clean Air Initiative


Über Computop

Als Payment Service Provider (PSP) der ersten Stunde bietet Computop seinen Kunden weltweit lokale und innovative Omnichannel-Lösungen für Zahlungsverkehr und Betrugsprävention. Die eigenentwickelte Zahlungsplattform Computop Paygate ermöglicht nahtlos integrierte Bezahlprozesse im E-Commerce und am POS. Händler, Dienstleister und Industrieunternehmen können für alle Länder der Welt frei wählen, welche der 350 lokalen und internationalen Zahlarten zum Einsatz kommen sollen. Technologien wie biometrische Authentifizierung und selbstlernende Algorithmen verbessern Sicherheit und Komfort für Händler wie für Endverbraucher.

Der Global Player Computop, mit Hauptsitz in Deutschland und Standorten in England und USA, betreut seit über 25 Jahren zahlreiche internationale Unternehmen aus den Branchen Dienstleistungen, Handel, Mobility, Gaming und Reise. Dazu gehören weltweit agierende Marken wie C&A, Fossil, die gesamte Otto Group, Sixt, Swarovski oder Wargaming. Darüber hinaus stellt Computop, seit 2021 nach ISO 27001 zertifiziert, sein Zahlungssystem Banken und Finanzdienstleistern als White Label-Lösung zur Verfügung. insgesamt wickelt das zertifiziert klimaneutrale Unternehmen jährlich Transaktionen im Wert von 33 Milliarden US-Dollar in 127 Währungen ab. Mit seinen individuellen und sicheren Lösungen gestaltet Computop die Zukunft des internationalen Zahlungsverkehrs maßgeblich mit.



Henning Brandt
Head of Communication 

0951-98 009 8257

Unterstützt durch:
Jacqueline Althaller
Althaller Communication