Computop Offers Decryption-Only Service for P2PE Payments

Computop, one of the leading payment service providers, today announced that it now supports clients with a decryption-only service for Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) payments. Installing PCI P2PE certified terminals improves the security of cashless payments for brick-and-mortar retailers.

The decryption of highly secure transactions enables banks, card operators and even retailers that have not yet connected to the Computop Paygate omnichannel platform to accept P2PE-secured payments. Without being read or stored locally, the encrypted transactions are sent directly from the card terminal to Computop, are decrypted and then sent on to the corresponding acquirer bank in a PCI-compliant way. This service is aimed particularly at payment service and financial services providers who would like to incorporate P2PE transactions as part of their offering.

“For our clients, the integration of P2PE-enabled terminals and decryption by Computop significantly lessens the cost of PCI-certification”, emphasises Stephan Kück, Computop’s managing director. “This service is a cost-effective way to integrate fast encryption of their payments into their existing structure.”

Card terminals that support P2PE already encrypt card data with asynchronously alternating keys for every transaction, which are therefore particularly secure. It also enables retailers to incorporate devices in the checkout area that are thought to be less secure, such as smartphones or tablets. This significantly reduces the certification costs for the development of software and apps. For retailers, Computop’s P2PE solution makes going international much easier, as regional networks and standards no longer apply.

Find out more in this explanatory video:


About Computop

As one of the very first payment service providers, Computop offers its customers around the world local and innovative omnichannel solutions for payment processing and fraud prevention. The internally developed Computop Paygate payment platform enables seamless integrated payment processes for e-commerce and POS. Retailers, service providers and industrial enterprises have the flexibility and freedom to choose from over 350 payment methods enabling them to specifically tailor their payment options per country. Technologies such as biometric authentication and self-learning algorithms improve security and convenience for retailers and consumers alike.

Computop, a global player with its head office in Germany and locations in England and the USA, has been servicing large international companies in the service, retail, mobility, gaming and travel industries for more than 25 years. These companies include global brands such as C&A, Fossil, the entire Otto Group, Sixt, Swarovski and Wargaming. Computop, being ISO 27001 certified since 2021, also provides its payment system to banks and financial service providers as a white-label solution. In total, the certified carbon-neutral company processes commercial payment transactions with a combined value of USD 33 billion annually in 127 currencies. With its individual and secure solutions, Computop makes a major contribution to the future of international payment processing.

Press contact

Jessica Mularczyk
Ascendant Communications for Computop

T   +1-508-498-9300