Download Quick Start Guide

We are delighted that you have decided to purchase a POS product from Computop!

With Computop’s latest generation of future-proof POS terminals, you can offer your customers more security and a better payment experience – wherever they are in the world – at the till, on mobile devices or on machines.To help you to get started, you will find detailed instructions on this page on how to install your POS terminal and put it into operation. And, in the unlikely event that you experience any problems, our support team will of course be happy to provide you with the assistance you need.

Quick Start Guide

Our Quick Start Guide contains detailed information on how to install and configure your new POS terminal. The guide is available for you in easy-to-read PDF format, in English and German. You will need Acrobat Reader to open PDF documents.

Your direct line to Computop

A properly functioning payment system is indispensable for your day-to-day business. It is essential that everything works correctly, especially at the interface between the customer and the POS terminal. We would, of course, like to help you with this. Contact us via the following channels for rapid support:

T: +44 1437-808050