Acquiring to your taste.
We want your business model to achieve maximum revenue in every sales market. To achieve this, you need acquiring partners that fit your requirements exactly. That's why Computop allows you to choose from over 50 international acquirers.
Individual and independent acquirer selection has many advantages
Choose an acquirer that supports your business model without restrictions. Realize your service offering and target markets exactly as planned.
Among the service providers that fit your business model, choose the one that presents the best offer.
You can use multiple acquirers per channel to prevent unexpected failures and ensure maximum availability of card payments in your shops.
Computop Paygate supports the use of several acquirers. This lets you find the ideal partner for each country and each sales channel.
Computop Paygate lets you quickly change acquirers. In case of any friction, you can realize an alternative promptly and time to market.
Being able to switch financial partners quickly and easily lets you remain independent. You can be sure to always receive fair and up-to-date market conditions.
Overview of the available acquirers
The following overview represents the status as of Q3/2024 and does not claim completeness, as we constantly adapt and expand our portfolio of financial partners. So please contact us for a complete listing.

Regardless of the size and type of your company, PayPal offers suitable solutions for a wide variety of payment transactions. From online transactions on the website to on-site contactless payments, merchants are always one step ahead with PayPal.
Our solution at a glance
Omnichannel payment processing via Computop Paygate with one or more acquirers of your choice
A choice of over 50 international, renowned acquiring partners
Suitable acquirers for almost all product groups, world regions and sales channels
Easy reconciliation of incoming payments in your accounting system through the consolidated Computop Settlement File (available for common acquirers)
The Computop Settlement File
Keeping track of incoming payments from different acquirers and payment types can be time-consuming. Reduce the administrative burden on your accounting department with the help of our consolidated Computop Settlement File (CTSF). The CTSF is a uniformly formatted file where we bundle the settlement data of your financial partners.

Computop is happy to support you in the selection of an acquirer
Our payment experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have on the subject of acquiring
and will support you in the search for and selection of a suitable financial partner.