"With its modern online payment platform, Computop offers a flexible alternative to the girocard network operators from the early days of card payments," explains Computop CEO Stephan Kück. The girocard network operation developed internally by Computop combines the established POS payment method with over 350 payment methods from all over the world.
The target group for the new offer are commercial network operators who are looking for modern technical network operation for their terminal fleet, as well as retail companies who want to equip themselves with state-of-the-art card terminals. The latter is represented by the terminal family from CCV, which Computop equips with highly secure PCI P2PE encryption (point-to-point encryption). Alternatively, partners can connect to Computop Paygate with their own terminal solution and use the girocard functionality as well as all other added values of Computop Paygate. All payment transactions can be evaluated in real time. In addition, Computop Accounting enables the daily girocard transactions to be merged into one booking item.
"The use of girocard via Computop is a major step in the direction of Omnichannel for merchants who are on the move internationally or through several sales channels," adds Stephan Kück. Computop Paygate has been approved according to the current TA 7.1 standard and is already prepared for the upcoming TA 7.2 version.
For further information, please visit www.computop.com.